The Covid situation was looking much better in mid-June, but that was just a teaser, and now the Delta variant is sweeping the country, and the infection rates have soared to levels comparable to the height of the pandemic levels earlier in the year.  People have begun hunkering down again, and masking and distancing guidelines have once more begun to tighten.  The ultimate answer is vaccinations, vaccinations, vaccinations, but after 7 months of availability, still only 50% of the US population is fully vaccinated.

Due to increasing Covid cases, we have cancelled our August Chapter BBQ, and continue to evaluate our potential Sept and Oct Young Eagle events.  We are still unable to use our meeting room at IRWD for in-person monthly chapter meetings, so we will continue monthly Zoom meetings instead.  Watch the Events page on our website for upcoming presentation topics and join in with the Zoom sessions.

For our full August 2021 newsletter, click on the following link:

EAA Chapter 92 – August 2021 Newsletter r1