Irvine Ranch Water District
15500 Sand Canyon Ave.
Irvine, CA 92618

Come to Our Free Monthly Meetings

We hold monthly meetings where our presenters speak on a broad variety of topics: aviation and flying safety, how to build airplanes, flying around the country in an open cockpit aircraft, flying a blimp, and many other topics. Many of our programs are authorized by the FAA for WINGS [continuing education] credits. The meetings are free and open to all, and usually occur on the first Tuesday of each month.

Our Next Meeting

March EAA Chapter 92 Meeting

Engine Maintenance and Performance Monitoring

For our March EAA Chapter 92 meeting, please join us as Louis McGraw from the FAA, the Maintenance FAASTeam, Program Manager in the Long Beach FDSO will present on Engine Maintenance and Performance Monitoring.  We will discuss engine related aircraft maintenance induced failures, Manufacturer’s recommended data, service letters and service bulletins, as well as a few case studies of fatal accidents related to engine failures.


Louis McGraw, began his aviation career in the US Army, as a CH-47 Chinook mechanic. His Army recruiter explained, he wasn’t smart enough to work on the new advanced Patriot Missile system as desired, so aviation it was.

His first job out of the Army was with Continental Airlines as a structures mechanic. Due to the El Paso, TX hangar closing, Louis moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. There, he worked for the Saudi Government as a CH-46 instructor.

American Airlines was his next stop. This is where his avionics technician profession began and advancing to a 757, 767 and 777 avionics instructor, Supervisor and retiring as the Operation Center Manager.

Next, Anchorage, Alaska employed with United Parcel Services as a maintenance Supervisor, is where his true understanding of accountability and how to run a business came to light.

Now working for the Long Beach FSDO, Louis has taken on tasks such Aviation Safety Inspector, Aircraft and Rotorcraft Accident Investigator Safety Instructor, and adjunct instructor for the Federal Aviation Administration.

Louis is currently the FAASTeam Program Manager, and he really hopes you enjoy the conversation we are all about to have.


Sign up for WINGS credit at

Select Number: TBD.



This in-person meeting will be held at the IRWD Community Room at 15500 Sand Canyon Ave in Irvine.

Hangar Talk social period: 6:30 to 7:00 PM

Meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Presentation begins approx. 7:15 PM

“Irvine Ranch Water District makes its facilities available for use by residents and nonprofit organizations merely as a public service, but does not, by allowing this use, endorse or support the purpose of the event or its sponsor.”