Builder Center
Chapter 92 often leases a larger hangar that we subdivide into smaller spaces for members to build, restore, modify, and maintain their aircraft in a stimulating, cooperative environment. Our previous lease ended and we are currently looking for a replacement location. If you or anyone you know has an available space in the Southern California area, please email Brad Rawls at
Thank you!
Members’ & Friends’ Projects
The core of the Experimental Aircraft Association is aircraft building. Our chapter’s members and friends have countless years of experience building and restoring a variety of aircraft, and many are eager to help others in their journey as well. Below you will find a list of builders and their projects. If you are looking for a community to guide you on your experimental aircraft build, please email
Dave Prizio
Brad Rawls
Hugh Cook
Art Jackson
Ed Wang
John Halcrow
Louis Beaulieu
Mike Wright
Gary Steinke
Bob Cashman
Richard Eastman
Rick Woods
Phat Vu
Rhon Williams
Ted Venter
Ted Venter’s Photos of RANS S-21

Chris Gentile
Chuck Gifford
Dana Lund
John Rittenhouse
Michael McNeill
Michael Whaley
Reginald Smith
Torger Totusek
*for sale